

RF Direct sampling takes you to the next level – IC-761

  • Dual RF direct sampling receivers, achieving 110dB RMDR (Reciprocal Mixing Dynamic Range)
  • VCXO (Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator) is used for the master clock and yields an ultra-low phase noise
  • Independent dual receiver allowing you to receive two independent frequencies simultaneously
  • DIGI-SEL for main and Sub Bands which is ideal for the times when signals are received in a contest pile-up or from broadcast stations on adjacent frequencies or bands
  • High quality speaker sound has been achieved by producing a chassis to prevent noise from vibration and panel resonance
  • Digital-Up-Conversion (DUC) for Clean TX
  • Built-in Automatic Antenna Tuner which memorizes its settings based on your transmit frequency, so that it can recall the t uning setting when you switch operating bands
  • 7-inch Color display
  • Touch screen function and multi-dial knobs for smooth operation
  • Dual receivers with a high-speed, high resolution spectrum scope capability
  • DVI-D Connector for an External Display Connection
  • SD Card Slot and USB port for saving data
  • I/O signal output via the USB connector
  • Simplified remote control via the RS-BA1 software



IC-7610 Broschüre (en) 983.41 KB 925 Downloads


IC-7610 Zubehör (en) 263.34 KB 661 Downloads


IC-7610 – Datenblatt (en) 16.04 MB 786 Downloads


IC-7610 Bedienungsanleitung (en) 16.11 MB 1023 Downloads


Anfrage zu IC-7610



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